Biotech investors cap off record year in fundraising
Odyssey buys BenevolentAI in Europe's top SPAC deal
Analyst reports trend in LS research funding
Broad Institute, Intel, Google Advance Biomedical Research
How AI simplifies data management for drug discovery
UK life science attracts £850m deal
Tech analyst reports expansion for European tech
Venture capitalists raise more than $100bn to target life sciences
New records were set in a huge quarter for global & US funding, exits, valuations, and more.
ALPHA10X Emerges from Stealth With $9.4 Million In Seed Funding
Intelligence Artificielle : l'UM6P signe un partenariat avec la start-up ALPHA10X
ALPHA10X : de l’IA pour réduire le risque lié à l’investissement dans les sciences de la vie