Experts predict growth in Pharma-AI use research
UK life science attracts £850m deal
Four major impacts of artificial intelligence on healthcare
AI startups notched another big quarter in a record-breaking year for global funding, mega-rounds, unicorns, exits, and more.
3 Myths About Women Working in Tech, Busted
Platform that Offers AI Investment Advice MDOTM Raises €6.2 million Series B, Currently holds € 750 million AUA
Dedicated Fund launches second LS investment fund
Accenture (ACN) Announces Strategic Investment in Geneyx
Intelligence Artificielle : l'UM6P signe un partenariat avec la start-up ALPHA10X
ALPHA10X : de l’IA pour réduire le risque lié à l’investissement dans les sciences de la vie
Innovative AI-powered Search and Discovery Platform; Interview With Robert Marcus