Industry insiders recount top medtech wins of 2021
Jeito extends global reach in oversubscribed $625M venture fund
AION Labs, Biotech Innovation Lab Launched by Top Pharma, Tech and Investment Leaders
Gartner survey of CIOs highlights investments in AI, cloud and cybersecurity
Innovation at the intersection of design and technology
Microsoft releases AI ethics guide
Accenture (ACN) Announces Strategic Investment in Geneyx
Accenture’s Julie Sweet: A.I. can transform companies, creating ‘responsibility and possibility’ for CEOs
Investment Into Biosciences Boomed, Could The Bubble Burst?
Innovative AI-powered Search and Discovery Platform; Interview With Robert Marcus
Morocco’s Mohammed VI Polytechnic University and ALPHA10X Sign Research and Development Partnership Agreement
Intelligence Artificielle : l'UM6P signe un partenariat avec la start-up ALPHA10X